Auntology: The Waystation of Red Pill Sanity
Auntology: The Waystation of Red Pill Sanity
S04E02 A closer look at the Taliban
"In order to counter the American-trained security forces, the Taliban also had to break from the beyond tribal traditions by training their own elite soldiers, the so-called Red Unit... The Taliban cannot possibly afford a large troop like this. But every time there is a key battle, against ISIS or the Afghan government forces, or at a critical location like Kunduz to support an important warlord ally, the Red Unit is deployed. This was the state of the Taliban's military in the later stages...Whereas, even after losing territorial control, the Islamic State with tens of thousands of permanent troops, is still much more powerful than the Taliban. As they welcomed Al Qaeda before, the Taliban welcomed the Islamic State coming with money and weapons. But there is no free lunch."